Sunday, August 23, 2020

Reputation In The Crucible Essay Example For Students

Notoriety In The Crucible Essay The disintegration of Salems social structure accelerated the homicides of numerous honest individuals. Arthur Millers delineation of the Salem witch preliminaries, The Crucible, manages a network that begins appearing as though it is closely knit and church adoring. For reasons unknown, once Tituba begins pointing her finger at the witches, the network begins pointing their fingers at one another. Delirium and concealed plans separate the social structure and afterward everybody must shield themselves from the individuals that they thought were their companions. The congregation, legitimate framework and the harmony of the network passed on with the goal that youngsters could ensure their families economic wellbeing. Being disengaged from some other gathering of individuals with various convictions made a congregation drove Puritan culture that couldn't acknowledge a great deal of progress. The congregation was against the fiend, simultaneously it was against such things as moving a nd other untimely acts. The notoriety of the family was imperative to the individuals from the network. At the point when the young ladies were found moving in the forested areas, they misled ensure themselves as well as the notoriety of their families. They asserted that the demon took them over and affected them to move. The young ladies additionally said that they saw individuals from the town remaining with the villain. A people group living in a puritan culture like Salem could without much of a stretch go into a disorganized state and make some troublesome memories managing what they consider to be the biggest type of wickedness. Salems agitation caused the network to lose confidence in the profound convictions that they were attempting to carefully implement. The congregation lost a considerable lot of its parishioners in light of the fact that the enthusiasm of the town was currently on Abigail in light of the fact that individuals needed to realize who would have been named straightaway. At the point when the congregation was attempting to expel John Proctor, there were insufficient individuals at chapel to do it. The individuals were getting misdirected so far as to leave a blade stuck in the entryway of their clergymen house: Tonight, when I make my way for leave my housea knife rattled to the groundThere is threat for me.(128) were Parris precise words. With the transport of God dreading for his life there was no longer anybody yet Abigail to lead the network. The equity framework is intended to ensure the individuals that it serves yet during the preliminaries the blamed witch had two options, demise or detainment. The discipline of death was given to all individuals that argued not liable; the other discipline was to concede and go to prison. John Proctor gave his perspective on the equity framework when he said I like not the smell of this power (29). Also, do you realize that close to 400 are in the prisons from Marblehead to Lynn, and upon my signature?(85) said Danforth, depicting the quantity of individuals that were in prison on charges of black magic. There were such huge numbers of individuals executed that Hale remarked there are vagrants meandering from house to house; surrendered steers cry on the highroads, the smell of decaying crops hangs everywhere(130) Salem was transforming into an apparition town. With Abigail controlling the network, the congregation done getting the entire town to supplication, and a shameful legitimate framework, it is characteristic that the individuals were in a condition of all out disorder. The unexplained was brought about by the fallen angel, so a few individuals from Salem utilized the unexplained to further their potential benefit. Mrs. Putnam came clean when she stated, There are wheels inside wheels in this town, and flames inside fires!(26) Mrs. Putnam did a lot of spreading bits of gossip after she heard that the young ladies were flying, so she asked Parris How high did she (Abigail) fly, how high?(11). These bits of gossip happened in light of the fact that individuals didn't need any accuse put for to themselves. This avoiding any responsibility made individuals begin battling with each other, for example, Corey charging Putnam of having his little girl blame an occupant for black magic so as to get Coreys land. Abigail utilized her capacity of getting individuals to hear her out furthering her potential benefit when she accused Proctors life partner of being a witch so Abigail could live with John. This again demonstrates Abigail had control of the town and the unexplained turned neighbor against neighbor. The social breakdown in Salem was the main consideration in the disaster that ended the lives of numerous honest individuals. There was more than one catastrophe in The Crucible. The first was the killing of numerous guiltless individuals, and the second was that a network that was once close had been broken separated. It gave the idea that the i ndividuals of Salem resembled a family however confinement really made them incapable to adjust to an inconvenient circumstance. In the event that the network could have had a more noteworthy impact from another gathering of individuals then the social structure would have had the option to adjust. .ud36f1949cb50e3a87e1e09994f4a04b8 , .ud36f1949cb50e3a87e1e09994f4a04b8 .postImageUrl , .ud36f1949cb50e3a87e1e09994f4a04b8 .focused content region { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .ud36f1949cb50e3a87e1e09994f4a04b8 , .ud36f1949cb50e3a87e1e09994f4a04b8:hover , .ud36f1949cb50e3a87e1e09994f4a04b8:visited , .ud36f1949cb50e3a87e1e09994f4a04b8:active { border:0!important; } .ud36f1949cb50e3a87e1e09994f4a04b8 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .ud36f1949cb50e3a87e1e09994f4a04b8 { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; haziness: 1; change: mistiness 250ms; webkit-change: murkiness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .ud36f1949cb50e3a87e1e09994f4a04b8:active , .ud36f1949cb50e3a87e1e09994f4a04b8:hover { obscurity: 1; change: darkness 250ms; webkit-change: mistiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .ud36f1949cb50e3a87e1e09994f4a04b8 .focused content region { width: 100%; position: relative; } .ud36f1949cb50e3a87e1e09994f4a04b8 .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content beautification: underline; } .ud36f1949cb50e3a87e1e09994f4a04b8 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .ud36f1949cb50e3a87e1e09994f4a04b8 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; outskirt span: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: intense; line-tallness: 26px; moz-fringe range: 3px; content adjust: focus; content design: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: total; right: 0; top: 0; } .ud36f1949cb50e3a87e1e09994f4a04b8:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .ud36f1949cb50e3a87e1e 09994f4a04b8 .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .ud36f1949cb50e3a87e1e09994f4a04b8-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .ud36f1949cb50e3a87e1e09994f4a04b8:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Child Abuse Essay Reference index:

Friday, August 21, 2020

The Impossibility of Religious Freedom Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Impossibility of Religious Freedom - Essay Example The contentions prompting the assurance of the case are in themselves reminiscent of the position taken by Sullivan. The court’s assurance contention, the free strict act of rights must be founded on an earnestly held strict belief†¦Moreover, that Holt demonstrated it, by being neither slight nor eccentric with precepts of Islam is self-assertive. The contention as clarified by Sullivan basically implies that it rests with the courts to discuss and build up whether the strictly inspired practices are getting a charge out of insurance under the main correction of the constitution. The court needed to decide the development of mustache was earnestly and really inspired by the Islam religion. The condition in itself adds up to an infringement of the strict opportunity as in the cross examination of authenticity. Sullivan capably bolsters his position that â€Å"through grilling the authenticity of strict conduct in this first occurrence, the court on a very basic level crus hes the general concept of strict opportunity. He proceeds, By requiring validation of the strict inspiration, the courts expand free exercise statement onto the conduct that is legitimized by goodness of outside verifications like consecrated writings, administrative professions, across the board adherence or authentic custom. The contention infers that by the courts endeavoring to extend the extent of free practice, to oblige all the emotional and unverified cases of inspiring religion, they hazard exposing all the laws to special cases.

Thursday, July 9, 2020

How To Write A Definition Essay By

How to write a definition essay is the cause of much confusion among students. Although the definition essay is a common writing assignment, it is not assigned frequently enough for students to be familiar with it. So, the main question that students have is what is a common essay? More importantly, how to write a definition essay? In this post, we provide a short description of the definition essay and tips on how to write a definition essay.The definition essayAs the term itself suggests, a definition essay presents a definition of a given word. The definition should go beyond the standard dictionary meaning. The definition should be thorough, supported by research, and integrate the writers viewpoint. In other words, a definition essay provides an extended definition of the given word brought about by synthesizing existing definitions and your personal perspective.Steps to writing a definition essayLike most other written projects, writing the definition essay follows an essay-wri ting process. This process has similarities with other written projects. However, there are also unique considerations when crafting a definition essay. The steps to writing this essay include the following:Choose the word.The first step in writing a definition essay is choosing the word since this will serve as the topic of the paper. When deciding on a word, go for one that is more abstract than concrete. Concrete words offer little room for interpretation, whereas abstract words can take on different meanings and offer lots of room for interpretation. For instance, the word ship is concrete because it refers to an object that has a set definition. On the other hand, the word voyage represents an abstract concept that can be defined in many different ways. Also, choose a word you are interested in and familiar with. This will make the writing process easier.Do research. After choosing a word, conduct research about that word. For instance, checking the dictionary definition of the word is a good start. You may then look up the words entry in an encyclopedia if it exists. Finally, you may also research the origins and history of the word. Remember not to limit your research to just one or two sources; rather, look up multiple definitions. Doing so will help you compare and contrast how the word is defined by various sources.Reflect on the words meaning.Once you are done looking up the words meaning, conduct self-reflection by considering what the word means to you. You may, for example, ask yourself what comes to mind whenever you encounter this word. Write down notes if this will help you organize your thoughts.Create a thesis statement and an outline.The next step is to construct a thesis statement. The thesis, in this case, should be your personal definition of the word. This will serve as the backbone of your paper. When crafting your thesis, bear in mind that the definition you come up with should still relate to the standard definition of the word while also offering a personal interpretation. Then create the outline that expounds on your thesis.Write the paper. Once the thesis and the outline are available, proceed to write the paper itself. Note that everything that goes into your paper should be connected to the thesis. Your paper will contain various sections, but each should work towards supporting your thesis.Revise and proofread. Similar to any other written project, your definition essay should undergo a few rounds of revision and a final proofread. Leave your paper for one or two days before you begin revising. This will help you view your paper with fresh eyes, which in turn will help you spot mistakes and room for improvement better. Finally, proofread the paper before submitting it to ensure that no grammatical and typographical errors are overlooked.Parts of a definition essayIn this section, we look at the specific parts of the definition essay. Reviewing these parts will help you determine what should be included in your paper.Introduction.The first part is the introduction. In this part, you should present the word you will define, the dictionary definition of the word, and your thesis statement. Including the dictionary definition in the introduction will help your reader identify the context in which you are defining the word.Body.In this part, your discussion will feature a number of sections which will typically include the following:The origins and history of the word.The form of words changes over time, and many of the words used in modern English come from other ancient languages that are sometimes already extinct. For instance, many words come from Latin, which was the language of ancient Rome. Briefly describe where the word came from and how it changed over time.Synthesis of various definitions.You should also provide a synthesis of the various definitions you found while doing research. As stated earlier, there may be more than one definition of a single word, especially if the wor d represents an abstract concept. There are different approaches to synthesis. You may discuss the major definitions of the word. You may also compare and contrast them. For example, you may note how the word voyage refers to physically traveling over a given distance. You may then contrast this with the more figurative meaning that refers to personal transformation. The approach to synthesis will depend on your personal choice. The important part is to go beyond mere recitation of the definitions and provide an illuminating look into the words meaning.Your personal definition.Finally, your paper should present your own definition of the word. Whereas the previous sections discussed other definitions, the most important section should focus on what the word means to you. This is where your thesis comes in. For example, your thesis may assert that a voyage is both an external and internal transformation in that it involves traveling that changes your environment and your character. W hen offering your own definition, remember to support it with evidence such as factual examples or personal experiences. The type of evidence that you will include depends on the nature of your definition. For instance, if your definition is more technical, then concrete facts are more appropriate. By contrast, a more informal definition may use anecdotes as evidence.Conclusion.End your essay with a conclusion that restates the thesis and summarizes your main points. You may also leave your reader some thoughts to ponder after reading the essay.Custom essay writing assistance for studentsIf youre looking for an example of a definition essay, read this - it may help you start or give you a better insight as to how you can write your definition essay. If this quick how-to guide is still a bit confusing and you still find it hard to come up with a good topic for your essay or just simply dont have the time to write, then maybe you need help. Consider seeking the services of s expert wr iters. Our services range from writing essays and other academic papers, like research paper, term paper, and case studies. prides itself with the high-quality work its writers produce. Let us know what kind of paper you need help with writing and our support staff will assist you along the way.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Case Analysis on Business Ethics of Paso Limited

Case Analysis on Business Ethics of Paso Limited Introduction Many scholars have researched a lot on business ethics. Business ethics is a mode of operation that a given organization adheres to in its daily activities with its customers, employees and shareholders. Ethics of a business can be diverse and may include its dealings with an individual person, organization, community or government. Business ethics covers an organization’s dealings in relation to its environment, people and its shareholders or owners (Fraedrich, Ferrell, Linda, 2010). This paper is going to revolve around business ethics to demonstrate a clear understanding of business ethics concepts covered in this concept. I am going to focus on Paso Limited which is located in Eastman, Georgia. There will be a brief description of the company’s products/services, the scope and size of its operations. The paper will also include the various ethical issues that affect the company, a visual representation of its stakeholders, measures put in place in managing ethical issues, company’s CSR strategy and the implications of my approach (Pojman James, 2009). Company description Paso limited is a big firm located in Eastman, Georgia. The company deals with various production lines such as; production of agricultural chemicals, production of detergents, soaps and waste treatment products, construction of agricultural structures such as green houses, preparation and coordination of agricultural field days and exhibitions and lastly a consultancy firm (Henn, 2009). The company has branches spread all over the United States of America and Europe. The firm was started in 1989 by Dr. Mark Sports as a small agricultural firm manufacturing agricultural chemicals such as pesticides. The company has grown to an international multibillion company. As of January 2011 the company was valued at 450 billion dollars. The company supplies 60 percent of the agricultural industry with its range of products and services hence considered to be the leading company in this business. 70 percent of the company’s ownership is by various US citizens and the remaining 30 percent by Dr. Mark Sports (Kozami, 2002). The company is managed by a good team of professional and experienced managers from all genders and diversity. The board of directors is chaired by Dr. Mark and meets twice in a month in order to set and review policies for smooth running and operation of the firm. For the past years the company has won several awards from the government and non governmental institutions for its great contribution to the country’s economy. The company has also hit headlines with it being criticized for poor working conditions and environment pollution. The company has some few cases to settle with its suppliers pending in court. This has raised many questions concerning its ethics. The company vowed to pull up on the issues being raised during its last annual general meeting with the shareholders (Pojman James, 2009). The company needs to purchase latest equipment and catch up with latest technology in order to improve on efficiency, effectiveness and environment pollution in line with its vision and mission (Shaw, 2011). Ethical issues facing Paso limited Paso Limited like any other organization has a few ethical issues in its operation that may have great effect to its reputation, market segmentation, production output and efficiency. Customers trust has to be maintained in order to survive in the business world as well as improving on the firm’s revenues. A company’s relationship with the society surrounding it plays a major role in its operation. There are three ethical issues that Paso limited is currently facing: Its operation has major effect on the surrounding environment, employees are complaining of hazardous working conditions/poor working terms and lastly the annual revenues generated by the company due to its decrease in market share (Shaw, 2011). This has great impact on Paso Limited’s triple bottom line (Bose, 2006). Environment pollution Paso Limited deals with manufacture of agricultural chemicals, detergents and soaps which produced from poisonous raw materials such as highly concentrated acids. The company has constructed a good drainage system that connects to the council’s sewer line. However, during rainy seasons this never works due to constant blockage of the line which ends up busting the line, exposing chemicals to the environment. Much of this waste mixes with running water which ends up contaminating rivers (Jones, Parker, Bos, 2005). This is a great threat to the environment and the society that uses these rivers for irrigation and as a source of drinking water. Communities around the company have been complaining about this for quite some time are intending to sue the company if it does not come up with good measures to reduce the rate of pollution in the next three months. In business ethics the company should ensure that its activities do not affect the either the society or environment surrou nding it (Jones, Parker, Bos, 2005). The company should also avoid several cases with its stakeholders as a sign of an ethnical organization which is not the case with Paso limited. An ethical organization should avoid causing unwarranted harm to its employees and the neighboring communities which may be directly or indirectly affected by its operational processes. Allowances and working conditions According to business ethics an organization should be fair to its employees by providing good working conditions, equipment/machinery and good rewards/remunerations. Paso limited employees have formed a registered workers union and soon will be going on strike due to poor working conditions, allowances and salary (Shaw, 2011). This will be a big blow to the company which will have a major effect on its reputation. The management is meeting with trade union officials in order to come up with workable structure that will help in settling the issue fairly. The company deals with chemicals that cause permanent disability to human beings in case of an accident or poor handling which as had been the case recently (Shaw, 2011). Legal suits filed against the organization We have several cases pending to court as a result of the company’s negligence and not settling its debts. We have employees whose employment was terminated with no reasons. The company has also failed to honor some debts and the suppliers have opted to taking the case to court (Henn, 2009). The government claims that the business has been importing some of its raw materials illegally and has a case to answer. According to business ethics, an organization should adhere to the law as well as maximizing it profits. The organization should not concentrate on profit maximization and forget to follow the law in its exports and imports as well as settling its debts. This is really affecting its operations and overall output. A lot of money is spent in settling court cases hence affecting the amount of revenues generated by the company (Crane Matten, 2007). Paso Limited stakeholders Business stakeholders are people or organizations that are either directly or indirectly affected by its operations. Stakeholders can also affect an organizations activities and performance. Our main stakeholders are farmers using products from our company (Weber Savititz, 2007). This group of stakeholders has great impact to the company’s revenue generation because it has to purchase and consume the company’s products and services. These products should be of helpful to the farmer in satisfying his or her needs and yield improvement. If the farmer is not satisfied with the company’s products and services, he will opt for product from other companies which slowly reduces the company’s market share and profits generated from its activities (Fraedrich, Ferrell, Linda, 2010). Company suppliers play a big role in supplying the company with raw material for manufacturing of products and service delivery. At times the company gets its raw materials on credit and makes payments later. If the payments are not settled in time the suppliers may refuse to supply raw materials in future. Production can’t go on without the major raw material required for various products. Therefore, suppliers should be treated with due respect and their payments being settled on time to avoid any inconveniences (Henn, 2009). Employees play a major role in an organizations success. These are the people formulating the new products to compete in the market. Machines cannot operate without technicians and operators. Products have to be transported from one place to another. Ready products have to be marketed and the ready established market maintained. All this work has to be done by the employees. Paso Limited has to make sure that it values its employees by rewarding them well as well as ensuring good working conditions and terms. According to business ethics, all employees should be treated equally and fairly without any discrimination or favor. Every organization must respect human rights by protecting their lives (Jones, Parker, Bos, 2005). Shareholders have invested in the organization and expect to receive some dividends at the end of every financial year. The organization has to ensure that at the end of each year there are some developments to show to shareholders if no profits realized. The company belongs to the shareholders; the management team has been employed by the shareholders in order to multiply their investment. According to business ethics, the management should not concentrate much on making profits but should also make strengthen its ties with the society and other major stakeholders in the industry (Fraedrich, Ferrell, Linda, 2010). Paso production activities should not affect the communities or society in its surrounding. The company should appreciate the society by providing employment, safe products, minimal environment pollution, and contributing to development activities in the surrounding areas. These are also stakeholders because they can paralyze its activities as well as its reputation (Jones, Parker, Bos, 2005). The company has to consider all stakeholders’ interests that are being affected by its activities both internally and externally. According to business ethics the organization should conduct itself on a plane that is above the law in relation to it behavior. The laws and regulations set by the government are just minimum conditions that govern an organizations operation in order not to infringe other people’s and organizations’ rights (Crane Matten, 2007). Managing challenges facing the company Most of the challenges the organization is facing can be easily managed hence making it successful. The company needs to train its employees on several issues that affect the organization’s relationship with the outside world, enterprise management and good team work. We have several motivational organizations that prepare short courses and seminars that can help the company’s management team and employees in their daily activities at the workplace (Kozami, 2002). The company should invest on research and development of new products and services that have not yet been developed by other competitors. It should invest on latest technology and machines in its production lines to save on labour and development of new products and services. Acquiring the latest technology might be a big challenge but with good program proposals, the organization can get unsecured loans from financial institutions such as banks, non-governmental institutions and venture capital institutions. Good and advanced technology reduces on wastage as well as human labor. It improves and maintains the quality of products and services being offered by the company (Sekhar, 2010). The company should establish good relationship with the society by contributing to development activities such as cleaning of environment, building of schools and health centers, creation of environment and offering discounted products to the surrounding communities. There should be a complete overhaul of the procurement department to ensure make sure that company acquires quality raw material. This will minimize on wastage as well as boosting the company’s production output. Rate of corruption will be reduced by 70 percent which is high in the supplies and procurement department (Bose, 2006). The organization can review its employees’ salaries and their working conditions. They should be provided with protective clothing while handling the chemicals as well as good equipment to assist in loading and offloading of products from trucks. The company should minimize the rate of environment pollution by recycling some of the byproducts instead of releasing it to the environment (Fraedrich, Ferrell, Linda, 2010). Strict adherence to the states laws and regulation can help the organization in reducing the number of cases with stakeholders. This help in building confidence hence increased investments. Much time and resources are wasted in settling disputes arising from negligence, corrupt deals and illegal activities by the company. All taxes and company returns should be settled with respective institutions on time to avoid fines being imposed by theses organizations due to late submissions (Weber Savititz, 2007). Corporate responsibility Every business should conduct its activities in an ethical manner prioritizing interest of the surrounding society. As the CEO the company should respond positively to new developments in the community’s interest and expectations. The main shareholders’ interests are increased profits but the society interests should be considered first. The company must stand out as a good and patriotic citizen in the society. The company can reduce its profit margin to offer affordable products to the community as well as paying its employees good salaries. In CSR the manager should look in general at the welfare of all stakeholders and not concentrating on shareholders’ interests only which are profits (Weber Savititz, 2007). The company has a role to play in the community development and conservation of the environment where it is located (Henn, 2009). The strategic plan should start by assessing the most critical issues that have major effects on the company if altered a bit and where opportunities stand. This is followed by an agreement on the primary factors to motivate CSR in my organization (Kozami, 2002). Revision of the company’s vision and milestones is important in achieving the new objectives/goals. This should be well documented and published. A well structured system to monitor development and achievements towards its vision should be established. The company should be reviewing its goals and policies of its competitors against its policies and objectives. The CEO should agree with his management team on a plan to be followed in achieving consistency in my company’s processes (Sekhar, 2010). The CEO should be able to identify key personnel in different departments to work with. These people should be reporting their progress as well as being responsible with all the activities taking place in their production lines. One should collaborate with other organizations like government to help him in implementing his CSR strategy (Fraedrich, Ferrell, Linda, 2010). With constant evaluation and audit of the program one can easily realize where the strategic plan needs some adjustments in order to fit the intended productivity. My main responsibility is to oversee that the strategic plan is implemented down to the operators as well as ensuring that the society is not oppressed in any way by the company (Jones, Parker, Bos, 2005). The organization’s short statement for management outlining my overall CSR strategy should be Serving the community interest and satisfying the shareholders interests in an encouraging environment that is acceptable by the society (Weber Savititz, 2007). Implications of the approach With the above described approach the company is going to create a good relationship with the community at large. There will be great increase in profits as well as development of quality farm inputs that are going to benefit the community so much. There will be an increase in production output and an increase on company’s sales projections (Kozami, 2002). The company will have fewer cases in court hence boosting investor confidence. There will be a smooth learning of the organization with corporation and support from all the employees. There will better salaries and allowances which will motivate employees in their daily activities aimed at the organization’s success (Jones, Parker, Bos, 2005). With good revenue generation the organization will avoid illegal and unlawful activities which will enable it to concentration on its production output, efficiency and effectiveness (Weber Savititz, 2007). References Bose, C. D. (2006). Principles of Management and Administration. New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India. Crane, A., Matten, D. (2007). Business ethics. New York: Oxford University Press. Fraedrich, J., Ferrell, O., Linda, F. (2010). Business Ethics: Ethical decision making and cases. Mason: South-Western Cengage Learning Inc. Henn, S. K. (2009). Business Ethics: A case study approach. New Jersey: John Wiley Sons, Inc. Jones, C., Parker, M., Bos, R. t. (2005). For business ethics. New York: Routledge Press. Kozami, A. (2002). Business Policy and Strategic Management. Tata McGraw-Hill: New Delhi. Pojman, L. P., James, F. (2009). Ethics: Discovering Right and Wrong. Belmont: Cengage Learning Inc. Sekhar, S. G. (2010). BUSINESS POLICY AND STRATEGY MANAGEMENT. New Delhi: I.K. Internetional Publishing House. Shaw, W. H. (2011). Business Ethics: A Textbook with Cases. Boston: Cengage Learning Inc. Weber, K., Savititz, A. W. (2007). The triple bottom line. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Press.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Developmental Disabilities A Developmental Disability

Did you know that an estimated 4.6 million Americans have a developmental disability? That is almost five percent of the country’s population, not including the hundreds of people that go untreated, or who have never been diagnosed. The term â€Å"developmental disabilities† refers to a group of conditions that cause impairment in physical, learning, language, or behavioral development. Typically manifesting during the primary development period (between ages 2 and 17), these conditions usually last throughout the entirety of a person’s lifetime. In an effort to counteract the potentially detrimental effects that living with a developmental disability may have on a person, there are many development disability services that assist children,†¦show more content†¦For some, choosing to employ at an organization that focuses on creating these support systems is a dream come true. But the jobs are not always a walk in the park. The demands of working with de velopmentally disabled people are large, both emotionally and mentally. Individuals who want to work with disabled individuals will need to have a certain type of training and experience beforehand. The specific type of education that is needed depends on the place where the individual is seeking employment. Working with young children calls for more care and a higher level of education. Public facilities are also pickier about the type of education that you have, while private institutions are the least selective about their employees’ backgrounds. In order to work in a school with mentally disabled children, special training as a special education teacher is a must. This program requires you to obtain a bachelor’s degree in a related field like special education, psychology, or human development. Many colleges and universities across the United States offer programs in special education at the undergraduate, master s, and doctoral degree levels. After obtaining the bachelor’s degree, the next step is to complete a teaching program that involves watching, and then teaching classes under observation. Special education is a big priority in schools. The need for highly qualified teachers with a special education background is in high demand. Due to the numerous

Fender Musical Instruments Corporation Essay Example For Students

Fender Musical Instruments Corporation Essay Fender (Fender Musical Instruments Corporation) Fender is an American manufacturer of stringed instruments and amplifiers based out of Scottsdale, Arizona. The privately held company was founded by Clarence Leonia Leo Fender in California in 1946. The company specializes in solid body electric guitars such as the Cotoneaster and Telecaster, and solid body electric bass guitars such as the Precision and Jazz models. Fender instruments are widely considered to be the standard to which most other electric guitars are measured. As arresting manager, I have been asked to develop a brand extension within Fender, in this case, we have decided to move into percussion instruments, specifically drum kits. We will be developing 3 new models of Fender drum kits, a six, seven and eight piece kit. The six piece kit will be made up of a snare drum, four tom toms and a bass drum. The seven piece kit will be similar, with the addition of another tom tom, and finally the eight piece will be similar to the seven piece, with the addition of a second bass drum. All drums will be sold without cymbals and hi-hats; however all will include a kick pedal for the base drum. The objective of this extension is to begin moving Fender into new instruments, especially to develop a line of percussion instruments, with the future goal of developing a percussion department within the company, which will in turn lead to the manufacturing and sale of bongo drums, conga drums and tambourines. We feel that this area of the market for musical instruments has a clear niche gap within it that Fender can fill. With our excellent reputation within the industry, we feel customers will have the brand loyalty to purchase Fender drums. We also feel that with our world class team of developers and creators, and having the resources to use only the finest wood, we can create a drum kit that will be used by the most Fender Musical Instruments Corporation: ? Marketing Strategies and Planning By toyed sales of Fender drums, increasing sales to unprecedented levels, which in turn will give us the chance to employee a greater number of people, all while creating a whole new division within the organization, greatly adding to the legacy of Fender instruments. Our target market is the total number of potential buyers for our product. Among this broad group, we have our primary and secondary target markets. Our primary market in this case will be those most likely to buy our new product. This will mainly be drummers and musical institutions, for example music schools, colleges and workshops. Our secondary market, those who have the next greatest potential to buy now or in the future, will be musicians of all instruments; non-musicians who we hope will to purchase a kit and learn to play; and advertisement companies or agencies. Our primary market is simple, drummers drum. They need a drum kit, and if we can convince them of the superior quality and reaffirmations of Fender drums, we hope they will use Fender exclusively. A similar approach is being taken when marketing towards musical institutions. Our secondary market however will be more difficult. Despite the fact that drums are used in many forms of music, musicians in general who we will target will specifically be guitarists, bass players and singers. We feel these players might be interested as many will already be playing music in a similar style to heavier, drum-orientated sound, as opposed to a classical trumpet player for example. We also feel that these players ill very likely be familiar with the Fender brand, again as opposed to a musician playing an instrument in which Fender does not specialize. They will therefore be familiar with our high quality level of workmanship and reliability. We will have many well established brands to compete with within the marketplace. .u286eec3b26f050c6f1267303ccb039ae , .u286eec3b26f050c6f1267303ccb039ae .postImageUrl , .u286eec3b26f050c6f1267303ccb039ae .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u286eec3b26f050c6f1267303ccb039ae , .u286eec3b26f050c6f1267303ccb039ae:hover , .u286eec3b26f050c6f1267303ccb039ae:visited , .u286eec3b26f050c6f1267303ccb039ae:active { border:0!important; } .u286eec3b26f050c6f1267303ccb039ae .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u286eec3b26f050c6f1267303ccb039ae { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u286eec3b26f050c6f1267303ccb039ae:active , .u286eec3b26f050c6f1267303ccb039ae:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u286eec3b26f050c6f1267303ccb039ae .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u286eec3b26f050c6f1267303ccb039ae .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u286eec3b26f050c6f1267303ccb039ae .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u286eec3b26f050c6f1267303ccb039ae .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u286eec3b26f050c6f1267303ccb039ae:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u286eec3b26f050c6f1267303ccb039ae .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u286eec3b26f050c6f1267303ccb039ae .u286eec3b26f050c6f1267303ccb039ae-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u286eec3b26f050c6f1267303ccb039ae:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Overview of a School Concert EssayCompanies such as Pearl, Tama, Evans and CC are highly regarded within the drumming community and have spent years building u brand loyalty among their customers. Of these companies, Pearl and Tama will be our strongest competitors. Pearl is a multinational company, founded in 1952, specializing in percussion instruments. They cover a huge range of kits, including six, seven, and eight piece kits similar to the kits we will be producing. Their Vision, Masters and Session models are widely popular and well prices. Tama is a sub division of the Hosing Kayo Group, a company specializing in Tama drums and Bennie guitars. Like Pearl, Tama produces well crafted, highly priced drum kits and have a great reputation worldwide for quality. Fender Drums Price Marketing Strategy stores worldwide for $1499, $1799 and $2199 respectively. We have spent many months analyzing our competitors marketing prices and feel that these prices offer a read deal for customers. For example, Pearl and Tama sell their six piece kits for $1 599 and $1649 respectively. This places our product at a lower price range than both. We have also reached a deal with Sables (manufacturer of hi-hats and cymbals) to sell our six piece kit with four of their cymbals as a bundle deal. Regarding this deal, we will receive $50 less per kit than when sold separately, however we feel Sables to be a highly regarded company who customers have built up a great relationship with and therefore we hope to garner some of their brand loyalty to introduce new players to our product. Our seven and eight piece kits will be sold individually only for the foreseeable future. Our seven piece kit is being sold at the same price as those offered by Pearl and Tama, while our eight piece kit is $100 cheaper than Tams eight piece kit. Ours is $50 more expensive than Pearls eight piece kit; however we feel our product to be vastly superior to theirs, and therefore do not anticipate this slight difference as being problematic. We will also be offering out 100 kits initially to established artists as endorsements. These kits will be distributed, free of charge, to 42 pre-selected musicians, in the hope that by being seed by these artists, other musicians who are influenced by these drummers will be eager to also purchase a kit. Product Our products will all contain the following: 14 x 6. 5 snare drum 22 x 18 bass drum 18 x 16 floor tom tom 16 x 16 floor tom tom 14 x 14 tom tom 14 x 12 tom tom Fender kick pedal In addition, our seven piece will contain a 13 x 10 tom tom and our eight piece will include a 20 x 16 bass drum. We will offer a range of spin off products which can be attached onto each kit, including a cowbell, tambourine and Jam block. Each kit will be available in three colors (red, green and black) and will be sold with safety casing s an additional extra. They will be branded with the Fender logo on the top right portion of the front of the bass drum. Our products will vary to competitors products in many ways. Our drums are headed with smooth emperor drum skins, which resonate for longer and give a crisper, more accurate tone. Only the finest maple and rosewood will be used to ensure the most satisfying sound and timbre. Place Our products will be available from all Fender stores throughout Australia, Europe and America. We hope, over the next 12 months, to establish a relationship with tortes throughout Asia and South America to sell Fender drums. Our products will also be available from our online store, as well as through third party sellers such as Amazon and EBay. Our products will also be available for both use and purchase at many trade fairs throughout America and Australia over the next six months. Promotion We have many options when considering methods of promotion. .u9e145664de734ec0a07183389cc32733 , .u9e145664de734ec0a07183389cc32733 .postImageUrl , .u9e145664de734ec0a07183389cc32733 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u9e145664de734ec0a07183389cc32733 , .u9e145664de734ec0a07183389cc32733:hover , .u9e145664de734ec0a07183389cc32733:visited , .u9e145664de734ec0a07183389cc32733:active { border:0!important; } .u9e145664de734ec0a07183389cc32733 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u9e145664de734ec0a07183389cc32733 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u9e145664de734ec0a07183389cc32733:active , .u9e145664de734ec0a07183389cc32733:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u9e145664de734ec0a07183389cc32733 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u9e145664de734ec0a07183389cc32733 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u9e145664de734ec0a07183389cc32733 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u9e145664de734ec0a07183389cc32733 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u9e145664de734ec0a07183389cc32733:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u9e145664de734ec0a07183389cc32733 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u9e145664de734ec0a07183389cc32733 .u9e145664de734ec0a07183389cc32733-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u9e145664de734ec0a07183389cc32733:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: African American Women And Music EssayAs the leader in musical instruments worldwide, with 312 stores, this gives us a great starting point. All stores will stock our kits, displaying them front and center within their stores, to e sure customers will be quickly aware of them. We regularly host trade fairs across the world, which will also give us another means of advertising. We will be taking our advertising in many of the worlds most read magazines (such as Rolling Stone, News and Time), newspapers (NY Post, Sydney Morning Herald and British Times) and websites (BBC, Dilemma, and TOM). We will advertise and promote through television and radio also. I feel our greatest promotion will be through Sponsorship. We have signed 42 of the greatest drummers currently playing to use our kits. Drummers like Chad Smith (Red Hot Chili Peppers), Lars Lurch (Metallic), Josh Frees (Nine Inch Nails) and Nathan Following (Kings of Leon) all have huge fan bases of drummers, who we hope will be eager to try and purchase our kits once they realize their influences are also using them. Our competitors also use many of these means of advertising, however we feel with our larger budget, and many more stores internationally, we have a much larger platform to promote from. We will begin promotion as of September 2014, hoping to garner enough attention to our product before the Christmas rush of product purchasing begins. While our product is not a seasonal product, we feel it would be a good time to release these kits. Product, I believe it will be our product itself. Our price is very competitive; we feel strongly this will not be a problem. Our promotion will be huge, using magazines, radio, TV, internet, billboards, inshore advertising, sponsorship and trade shows among other means. Our placement options are huge. With our worldwide brand, we can sell our product worldwide. However, our product itself, with its world class development, beautiful tone, ease of use, gorgeous design and competitive price will tend up for itself as a leader in drumming products, and over time, we hope will be the number one drum kit on the market.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

The Name Judith Essay Example Example For Students

The Name Judith Essay Example Is it important to know what is behind your name? Now in days, many names are given without knowing their meanings or where they come from. For example, I was given the name of Judith just because my parents heard it and liked it. It depends where and in which culture were they raised. For this purpose I researched my name Judith. Some of the main points I found were interesting to me like the history and my personality. First, the history of my name Judith obtains interesting and important facts such as meanings, famous people in the world, and culture. Judiths origin is Hebrew, meaning Praise Dictionary of First Names, Alfred J. Kolatch 393. There is also famous people from the past, for example, In the old testament Judith was one of the wives of Esau. Another famous person from the past was, The beatiful heroine in the book of Judith in the Apocrypha. Kolatch 393. With this in mind, it is interesting to know that my name has been used for thousands of years; However, in my culture not many people are named after Judith. My name is more commun on the Asian continent, where it was originated. We will write a custom essay on The Name Judith Example specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Another fact is that personality can be described just by the name. An example, on my research I found web sites with my name wich described my personality., Judith is happiest when associating with singing, dancing, and having a good time. Accordingly, all this quote describes me perfectly because I always like to be happy and having a good time with my friends. For example, If I am spending time with my friends, I like to be thinking positive and enjoying it as much as I can. I have never liked to see any of my friends sad or with problems, if that is the case I try to cheer them up. I also found some weaknesses, kabalarians.htm., Over indulgence in food or emotional desires could cause you to have problems in your nervous system. Without a doubt this totally describes me. There is times when emotional desires get to me and take time to get them out of my activities. Therefore, my personality has changes just like any other person. In conclusion, this research helped me learn what is behind my name. Before all I knew was that my parents heard the name and liked it, but now I will be able to identify my name with the history and personality. Also, this research made me think that in my future I will do a research on names before giving one to my child. For this reasons, I suggest you to do a quick research and see what is behind your name.

Monday, March 16, 2020

Free Essays on Saplings in the Storm

â€Å"Saplings in the Storm† In â€Å"Saplings in the Storm,† written by Mary Pipher the issue of teenage girls as they mature from girls to adults is shown to be a very complex transition. This transition does not end once a girl finishes puberty either, it is a lifelong process. Pipher goes on to discuss the different phases in a girl’s life after she has reached puberty and beyond. Pipher points out how in a girl’s younger years, she is curious and anxious to learn about the world. Unfortunately, that all changes once she reaches puberty. She no longer is interested in learning about the wonders of the world. She becomes docile, and keeps her thoughts to herself. Her appearance and boys become a much higher priority than expanding the mind. The adventurous nature is gone, and her existence is only for the pleasure of others. Pipher quotes Diredot in a letter to a friend, â€Å"You all die at 15,† (267). This quote is very powerful and very true. From my own experience, I can attest to this fact. Around the time when I was 15, school was no longer a huge priority for me. Boys, who were never important before, became a huge priority in life. I think this is the problem of many girls that age; the opposite sex becomes a central focus in their life. Because of this, my grades dropped drastically. Before, I had many interests, but when I started focusing on boys, my appearance became very time consuming.... Free Essays on Saplings in the Storm Free Essays on Saplings in the Storm â€Å"Saplings in the Storm† In â€Å"Saplings in the Storm,† written by Mary Pipher the issue of teenage girls as they mature from girls to adults is shown to be a very complex transition. This transition does not end once a girl finishes puberty either, it is a lifelong process. Pipher goes on to discuss the different phases in a girl’s life after she has reached puberty and beyond. Pipher points out how in a girl’s younger years, she is curious and anxious to learn about the world. Unfortunately, that all changes once she reaches puberty. She no longer is interested in learning about the wonders of the world. She becomes docile, and keeps her thoughts to herself. Her appearance and boys become a much higher priority than expanding the mind. The adventurous nature is gone, and her existence is only for the pleasure of others. Pipher quotes Diredot in a letter to a friend, â€Å"You all die at 15,† (267). This quote is very powerful and very true. From my own experience, I can attest to this fact. Around the time when I was 15, school was no longer a huge priority for me. Boys, who were never important before, became a huge priority in life. I think this is the problem of many girls that age; the opposite sex becomes a central focus in their life. Because of this, my grades dropped drastically. Before, I had many interests, but when I started focusing on boys, my appearance became very time consuming....

Saturday, February 29, 2020

Anne Bradstreets Poetry

A literary review of the collection of poemsThe Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up in America by Anne Bradstreet who is thought to be the first genuine poet to develop in the English speaking New World. This paper discusses the poetry of Anne Bradstreet (who was only published once during her lifetime and without her knowledge ). Bradstreet had emigrated to New England as a young wife in 1630, and her poetry exemplifies a variety of themes related to home and hearth in the New World.Bradstreet offers more in-depth philosophic and religious analysis in other poems.Bradstreets poem Contemplations is an aptly-named poetic meditation with a didactic purpose.The poet uses images of nature such as could be seen in a given day as a way of evoking a sense of God and of the connection between the human lifespan and the larger metaphysical realm of God.The poem is in the first person, with the poet-narrator explaining her views as she observes nature and makes links between the images she sees there and her inner religious beliefs.This use of the first-person personalizes the narrative and brings the reader into the consciousness of the poet directly.We are brought by the poet into her contem plations.We know that the experiences she relates about nature are her own, and we know that the thoughts that these encounters engender are her own.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Report - Essay Example Time management is integral to a manufacturing process and this is reflected in the way shop level facilities are created to ensure minimum loss of time in looking for a raw material or a tool or a component or a spare part. In other words, for all in-house manufacturing and assembly operations, project layout is synonymous with supply chain management. Layout of a manufacturing facility is a comprehensive exercise involving movement of incoming and outgoing materials and successive stages of processing. Incoming materials may be raw materials and/or semi-finished items and outsourced components/subassemblies. Outgoing materials are usually the finished products duly packed for delivery. The manufacturing process itself generates waste and scrap which are to be collected and disposed in a planned manner. Depending upon the type of operation at each stage in a manufacturing process, the layout is finalized in a variety of ways like a work center or a manufacturing cell or an assembly line or a continuous process etc. The layout designer keeps in mind the flow of materials in these stages while determining the space and facilities. While a centralized purchase and stores management takes care of timely availability of all incoming materials, sub-stores are organized at the floor level as per production plans. In a work center, these stores cater to the raw materials, tools and consumables while in the assembly line, they are used for components, subassemblies or bought out items. Continuous processing lines also have shop level stores for incoming materials, consumables, and essential spares. Organizational set up ensures availability of materials in the sub-stores at the floor level as per production plans. Economic analysis is the basis for ‘make or buy’ decisions and invariably a substantial amount of outsourcing happens in all manufacturing processes. Suppliers are very important part of

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Market Research Promotional Strategy for LG Electronics Essay

Market Research Promotional Strategy for LG Electronics - Essay Example The development of strategic plans worldwide is based on specific criteria. Most usually, the targets set have to be feasible – in terms of the resources and the time required – while the potential failures need to be identified in advance in order to ensure the limitation of failures. On the other hand, not all organizational initiatives have the same characteristics; when the achievement of specific targets is attempted then the methods used have to be carefully chosen – a balance between the cost of a specific strategic project and the expected benefits of this project must be pursued by managers in modern organizations. Current paper focuses on the examination of the strategic plans required for the increase of the market share of the firm LG in a particular sector: the televisions and audiovideo equipment. The firm’s current pricing strategy is reviewed and evaluated in order to decide on the appropriate of the marketing plans used in relation with th e specific marketing plan. It seems that the achievement of the specific target is feasible but specific measures will be required especially if taking into account the position of the firm’s competitors but also the challenges of the specific industry in all markets internationally. LG Electronics was first established in 1958 under the name ‘GoldStar’. Since the decade of 1960s the firm was actively involved in the production of radios and televisions – also of other products like the air conditioners. In 1995 the firm was renamed to LG Electronics. Through the years the firm was involved in other sectors, like the telecommunications while its performance is under continuous development (see Figure 1, Appendix). Currently, the firm’s employees have been estimated to 82,000 – working in about 82 branches of the firm worldwide. The firm’s achievements in its industry are many. We could indicatively refer to the development of the first

Friday, January 24, 2020

Witchcraft in the 15th century Essay examples -- essays research paper

In this paper, I will explore many aspects of the outbreaks of the witch accusations and witch trials which plagued England and the rest of Europe from approximately 1450 to 1750. Though numerous theories have been provided as to the reasons for these hunts and trials, there are three which are the most prevalent, and able to support themselves. These three theories are the topics of: gender, as a stepping stone towards the oppression of women; social class, as a relief of tension and stress formed by the socio-economic gaps between the wealthy and the poor; and finally religion, as a result of the encouragement to conform more steadily towards one religion. I chose to argue towards the third theory I have stated, that of the religious changes facing England at the time. Throughout the three hundred years that the perceived problems of witchcraft haunted this nation, the religious momentum swayed back and forth many times. My decision to support the religious theories attached to wit chcraft may not be as traditional as most student’s. It was a decision based more upon the motives and not so hidden agendas that the theorists who were (obviously) not present at the times of the trials. Historical fact has been in debate for as long as history has been recorded, because everything written or spoken is rhetoric, and this impossible to escape from. Therefore, in order to defend my decision to choose religion, I will be adopting a new historicist point of view for the first few paragraphs of this paper.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  To me, the other two major theories applied to the problems of witchcraft seem much to politicized to be considered as historical. As Sharpe states, addressing the gender issue first, â€Å"The crucial development here was the rise of the Women’s Movement in the United States and Europe†(9). He continues to say that these women â€Å"sought to construct a history of oppression which would help inform their consciousness in their ongoing struggle†(10). This theory absolutely reeks of ulterior motives. Though it cannot be denied that approximately eighty percent of the witches executed during these times were women, it seems odd that no scholars felt inclined to point this out as relevant until the 1970s when it fit into the â€Å"construction of a history.† History should not be constructed in order to suit the needs of the present, nor the future. Ac... such things as be not fitting† and that â€Å"their complection [i.e. psychological condition] is softer, and from hence more easily receive the impressions offered by the divell [sic]† (Document 9, 109). Direct connection is made to the Christian church in his fourth point, using Genesis as a reference, in his insistence that â€Å"in them [women] is a greater facility to fall, and therefore the divell at first tooke advantage and set upon Eve in Adam’s absence [sic]† (109). This once again connects a popular belief and probably on of the most famous stories in Christianity to the idea of witchcraft.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In conclusion, though I have shown support for the religion theory most of all in this paper, I do believe that it was not one aspect that set this craze off. Many different theories overlapped to form this tragic and lengthy period of England’s history. Obviously, from the notes we’ve taken in this class, we realize that religion did and always will play a major role in England, or any other country for that matter. Perhaps from this spectacle of unnecessary death, we can learn that any institution, given too much power can, even unwillingly, prove dangerous.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

New Product Launch Marketing Plan Essay

Audi LED headlights Audi is a top of the line luxury car manufacturing company who plans to achieve goals and provide consumers with one of kind products. Audi has decided to create a new LED head light with spot detection capabilities to assist with consumer safety while driving in the city, as well as down country roads. Audi has assessed the need for their new product and has found that the new LED headlights with spot detection would be great for the consumer as well as the company sales. Through past research by Audis team we have found that several accidents within the United stated States occurred due to poor head lights or blinding head lights. Though Audis current venture is geared towards consumer’s with families who travel at least 100 miles a week, their game plan is to incorporate this light into all vehicles. We will address the areas of target population, product position against the competitions, as well as each stage of the product life cycle and our expansion of product offerings. Audi focuses on people (Idea Connection, 2014). This new innovation of LED head lights will do just that; focus on people. Audi will utilize the family and let them be the guide behind the quality and performance of this new offering (Idea Connection, 2014). Target market profile At Audi, we came up with this new headlight technology that is designed to make night driving safer. The target market for our product is composed of couples with children under the age of 15. Among these families, the focus will be on those who drive SUVs’, Minivans and Sedans. The target audience will be based around those parents who drive their kids to extracurricular activities like piano lessons or soccer, and who live either deep in the  country or outside of the city. One submarket will be those who live within the city and like to travel outside the city. These headlights are best suited for people who drive over 100 miles a day. In terms of income, we will target individuals with a college degree who make more than one hundred thousand dollars per year. Our product will also aim at corporations who offer company vehicle for their senior executives. Key buying behaviors Three factors influence consumers buying behaviors, those factors are cultural, social and personal (Kotler & Keller, 2012). In terms of culture, individuals during the course of their life will be influenced by family, friends, neighbors, and others. Our consumers are individuals whose family members are accustomed to luxury cars, preferably Audis’. Cultural factors influencing buying behavior in terms of culture are also social classes. Our consumers will be individuals belonging to the upper class of society. For these individuals owning a luxury car with the latest technology is a statement. On the social level of consumers buying behaviors, our target market will be influenced by factors such as reference groups, family, and social roles and statuses (Kotler & Keller, 2012). Our consumers will be influenced by family members, for instance a mother will most likely want her children to ride safely in a minivan, or SUV. A businessman will buy an Audi sedan because it is a luxury car and it tell others what social class he belongs to. Our target consumers are influenced by membership groups. One example is an individual who buys a luxury car to blend in with others in hos social circle who also own luxury cars. â€Å"Personal characteristics that influence a buyer’s decision include age and stage in the life cycle, occupation and economic circumstances, personality and self- concept, and lifestyle and values.† (Kotler &Keller, 2012, p.155). Our consumers will be men and women, 30 years old or older. The target customers are also educated and very thoughtful as they carefully weigh the benefits of purchasing such a product (Rao, 2014). We believe that as mothers and wives, our consumers will be focused on safety. There have been a lot of plane crashes lately, because of that more and more people decide to drive instead of fly. Corporations will be concerned with profit. Corporations will see great benefit in Audi as it relates to the new LED head lights. The thought of safety will both save the company money, attract eager and loyal employees,  as well as give a strong impression on both competitors and new clients. Decision motivators for consumer/organizational target markets The primary decision motivators for buying the new headlights on the Audi car are the enhanced safety features of the product. Since the primary feature of the new headlights leads to secure driving, it will appeal to almost all consumers. On the other hand, the organizational target markets will entail the demographics of the urban areas. Geographic target markets will target the individuals who live in the urban areas that have developed infrastructures (Novak, De Leeuw & MacEvoy, 2011). Product life-cycle (PLC) LED headlights continue to develop short and long-term strategies in the product life-cycle. The first of four stages is the introduction into the market; customer-value hierarchy is vital during the introduction stage, which identifies the core benefit of the product and creates a detailed description of the basic product. The augmented product value stage must surpass the customer yearning for safety and technology. In addition, marketers will incorporate future potential product growth. The product design can be incorporated into any Audi vehicle during the manufacturing process. The LED headlight will be an upgrade option, and pricing will be slightly higher than Audis without the LED headlight. A strong customer-value hierarchy strategy will enhance product promotion, and the place to launch the LED headlight will be a joint effort with Audi Automotive. During the initial growth phase, pricing will remain slightly higher than Audis without the LED headlight. Based on the lesson learned during the introduction of the LED headlight, the customer-value hierarchy strategy will adjust to meet customer expectations. Product promotion will continue to expand into new markets. The maturity phase begins when the LED headlight implementation reaches market equilibrium; pricing will remain the same during this phase. If the product continues to exceed customer-value hierarchy strategy, the product promotion will continue with the addition of customer and law enforcement reviews. Research and development continues to improve the LED headlight technology. The decline phase begins when market followers enter the market; pricing will then be slightly reduced in an attempt to slow the rate of decline. Product promotion will then be redirected to the new and improved LED headlight. Promotions and places to  launch the new product will be nationwide rather than regional launches during the introduction phase. Product mix A Product Mix is referred to as â€Å"the complete range of products produced by a company.† ( That being said, Audi plans to unleash its new LED headlights in all of its product lines, which will appeal to the varying types of drivers who have a plethora of different needs and wants in a luxury vehicle. Audi produces a multitude of options for consumers to choose from. These products include 13 sedan options that range from $29,900 to $137,900, six SUV/Crossover/Wagon options that span from $32,500-$51,900, six Coupe options ranging from $40,000-$115,900, and seven Convertible options that span from $35,600-$129,400. ( With 32 available products that can be altered to match the driver’s particular style, the LED headlight is poised to grant the ultimate driving experience. â€Å"Audi revolutionized vehicle lighting with the first full-LED headlamps in 2008.† ( Audi responded to the automobile industry’s need to change how vehicle headlights affect road conditions for all drivers. Audi continues to enhance its LED design, which is sure to darken its competitors’ vision of the future of automobile driving experience and further differentiating itself by not only enhancing driving conditions, but will be made available in a variety of options. â€Å"Only one square millimeter in size and offered on every vehicle in the lineup, LEDs have opened up an array of styling opportunities for Audi designers.† ( Audi adds that â€Å"these little marvels can be combined to create infinite shapes and arrangements, giving each vehicle a look that’s distinct yet unmistakably Audi.† ( Positioning statement â€Å"For you that spend hours behind the wheel, Audi is one in its luxury class that provides not just the looks of a high end vehicle but the safest lighting for safe traveling. Unlike traditional vehicles Audi provides a combination of class, luxury, and the safest selection to keep you and loved ones safe†. Audi is not only committed to provide its consumers with top  notch service but it has also taken measures to separate itself from the competition. Audi is improving all of its vehicles by providing â€Å"LED lighting† on all its vehicles as part of its standard package. Audi’s positioning statement carries words such as â€Å"luxury, safe, traveling, family† which will always come to mind for those searching for a vehicle to purchase. Audi’s statement is targeting families, those that travel a lot, those that enjoy the luxury of a vehicle but at the same time want to keep themselves and loved ones safe. The consumers spoke and Audi listened. Their position statement is meaningful, important, and convincing to its customers, not just to the company. The Audi brand will deliver on this promise and continue to earn the trust and respect from consumers. References Anonymous. Staying ahead by meeting changing consumer needs. Business Case Studies: A Heinz case study. Retrieved August 2, 2014 from /staying-ahead-by-meeting-changing-consumer-needs/the-product-mix.html#axzz39FCRkOTR Defeat Darkness. LED technology:The vision of LED;View the LED experience. Retrieved August 2, 2014 from Idea connection (2014). Audi looks to the future of car production. Retrieved August 1, 2014 Kotler, P., & Keller, K. (2012). Marketing Management (14th Ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Models. Retrieved August 2, 2014 from Novak, T. P., DeLeeuw, J., & MacEvoy, B. (2011). Richness curves for evaluating market segmentation. Department of Statistics, UCLA.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Compare and Contrast Essay on Obama and Romney - 1499 Words

Wade Sharp Eng 101 10/1/2012 In the midst of a heated presidential race two great leaders are vying for the affection of all of America. On the left side we have our current president Mr. Barrack Obama and on the right side his opponent Mr. Mitt Romney. On paper both are outstandingly qualified candidates and both have been trusted to hold a position of leadership over large numbers of people. Mitt Romney built his foundation through a strong career in business before becoming a politician, while President Obama stuck to the legal side of things building up his reputation as a civil rights lawyer and activist. In this review of both candidates I will attempt to unbiasedly inform the reader of their qualifications as powerful leaders†¦show more content†¦It was there that he perhaps took his first political stance in his participation in the staging of a counter protest against a group staging a sit in at the university administration building in opposition to draft status tests. Romney left the country to stay in France as a Mormon missionary in 1966; his stay would last for 30 months fulfilling a traditional rite of passage in his family. Though it is not traditional education I feel obligated to state that during this stay in France Romney showed true leadership skills in becoming co-president of his mission where he oversaw the work of 175 others. Upon his return to the States he began attending Brigham Young University in 1969. Due to the culturally conservative nature of BYU Romney naturally managed to stay out of the radical turmoil that came along with the 60’s and 70’s and became president of the all male cougars club booster organization and it was in these years that he showed a new found discipline in his studies that he somewhat lacked before. In 1971 he earned a bachelor of arts in English with highest honors and gave a commencement speech to the whole of BYU. Wanting to pursue a path in business Mitt heeded his father’s advice and put off a caree r to attend a Juris Doctor/Master of Business Administration four year program coordinated between Harvard Law School and Harvard Business School. He graduated cum laude from this program in 1975. He was named a baker scholar for graduating in the top five percentShow MoreRelatedFranklin D. Roosevelt And The Great Depression Essay2145 Words   |  9 Pagesgovernment and has a solid character. It is likewise imperative that the president has had encounter working inside government, which is a run for any individual who wishes to keep running for president of the United States. In this essay Franklin D. Roosevelt and Obama both got re-elected and did the best they could to make America great again. A speech is power, it is to persuade, convert, and compel. These presidential acceptance speeches were inspiring, effective, and galvanizing. Franklin D. RooseveltRead MoreVoting And Voting Behavior2462 Words   |  10 Pagesfrom sociological to psychological as well as from economical to candidate-focused approaches (Hague and Harrop 2013). Hence there is a general argument of which theory is most sophisticated and enables us most to understand voting behaviours. This essay seeks to explore to what extend the Downs model of voting helps us to understand, in which ways political parties align themselves in general elections. Political parties shall be seen as  ´a team of people seeking to control the governing apparatusRead MoreA Comparative Analysis of the Activism and Views of Women Held by Eleanor Roosevelt in the 1930s and Hillary Clinton1848 Words   |  7 PagesDiscussion Essays Similarities and differences between the activism and views of women held by Eleanor Roosevelt in the 1930s and Hillary Clinton Since Hillary Clinton clinched the position of the First Lady, various attempts have been made to compare her activism and views of women with those of Eleanor Roosevelt. Up to the late 1990s, Eleanor Roosevelt was far much popular than Hillary Clinton. This is because he was married to a disabled husband. To this effect, Eleanor Roosevelt had to workRead MorePresidential Election Outcomes From American History2856 Words   |  12 Pageseconomy is and always will be the biggest and deciding factor. In this essay, I will compare and contrast presidential election outcomes from American history, as well as touch upon the current outcome with present-day President Barack Obama and future predictions for the election of 2016. I will also present counterarguments it always â€Å"being the economy,† and show why the economy does indeed trump all in the end. Within the essay, I will explore the dimensions of economic performance and how they affect